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Introduction to Time Series


2022/12/01 09:02


Time Series Modeling


    • Time Series Analysis and Time Series Modeling are powerful forecasting tools
    • A prior knowledge of the statistical theory behind Time Series is useful before Time series Modeling
    • ARMA and ARIMA are important models for performing Time Series Analysis


    • Time Series Analysis and Time Series Modeling are powerful forecasting tools
    • A prior knowledge of the statistical theory behind Time Series is useful before Time series Modeling
    • ARMA and ARIMA are important models for performing Time Series Analysis

Time series models are very useful models when you have serially correlated data. Most of business houses work on time series data to analyze sales number for the next year, website traffic, competition position and much more. However, it is also one of the areas, which many analysts do not understand.

So, if you aren’t sure about complete process of time series modeling, this guide would introduce you to various levels of time series modeling and its related techniques.


Let’s begin from basics. This includes stationary series, random walks , Rho Coefficient, Dickey Fuller Test of Stationarity.

Stationary Series

There are three basic criterion for a series to be classified as stationary series :

    • The mean of the series should not be a function of time rather should be a constant. The image below has the left hand graph satisfying the condition whereas the graph in red has a time dependent mean.
    • The variance of the series should not a be a function of time. This property is known as homoscedasticity. Following graph depicts what is and what is not a stationary series. (Notice the varying spread of distribution in the right hand graph)
    • The covariance of the i th term and the (i + m) th term should not be a function of time. In the following graph, you will notice the spread becomes closer as the time increases. Hence, the covariance is not constant with time for the ‘red series’.

Random Walk

This is the most basic concept of the time series. You might know the concept well. But, I found many people in the industry who interprets random walk as a stationary process. In this section with the help of some mathematics, I will make this concept crystal clear for ever. Let’s take an example. Example: Imagine a girl moving randomly on a giant chess board. In this case, next position of the girl is only dependent on the last position.

Now imagine, you are sitting in another room and are not able to see the girl. You want to predict the position of the girl with time. How accurate will you be? Of course you will become more and more inaccurate as the position of the girl changes. At t=0 you exactly know where the girl is. Next time, she can only move to 8 squares and hence your probability dips to 1/8 instead of 1 and it keeps on going down. Now let’s try to formulate this series :

X(t) = X(t-1) + Er(t)

where Er(t) is the error at time point t. This is the randomness the girl brings at every point in time. Now, if we recursively fit in all the Xs, we will finally end up to the following equation :

X(t) = X(0) + Sum(Er(1),Er(2),Er(3).....Er(t))

Now, lets try validating our assumptions of stationary series on this random walk formulation:

1. Is the Mean constant ?

E[X(t)] = E[X(0)] + Sum(E[Er(1)],E[Er(2)],E[Er(3)].....E[Er(t)])

We know that Expectation of any Error will be zero as it is random. Hence we get E[X(t)] = E[X(0)] = Constant.

Is the Variance constant?

Var[X(t)] = Var[X(0)] + Sum(Var[Er(1)],Var[Er(2)],Var[Er(3)].....Var[Er(t)]) Var[X(t)] = t * Var(Error) = Time dependent.

Hence, we infer that the random walk is not a stationary process as it has a time variant variance. Also, if we check the covariance, we see that too is dependent on time.

We already know that a random walk is a non-stationary process. Let us introduce a new coefficient in the equation to see if we can make the formulation stationary.

Introduced coefficient : Rho

Now, we will vary the value of Rho to see if we can make the series stationary. Here we will interpret the scatter visually and not do any test to check stationarity.

Let’s start with a perfectly stationary series with Rho = 0 . Here is the plot for the time series :

Increase the value of Rho to 0.5 gives us following graph :

You might notice that our cycles have become broader but essentially there does not seem to be a serious violation of stationary assumptions. Let’s now take a more extreme case of Rho = 0.9

We still see that the X returns back from extreme values to zero after some intervals. This series also is not violating non-stationarity significantly. Now, let’s take a look at the random walk with rho = 1.

This obviously is an violation to stationary conditions. What makes rho = 1 a special case which comes out badly in stationary test? We will find the mathematical reason to this.

Let’s take expectation on each side of the equation “X(t) = Rho * X(t-1) + Er(t)”

E[X(t)] = Rho *E[ X(t-1)]

This equation is very insightful. The next X (or at time point t) is being pulled down to Rho * Last value of X.

For instance, if X(t – 1 ) = 1, E[X(t)] = 0.5 ( for Rho = 0.5) . Now, if X moves to any direction from zero, it is pulled back to zero in next step. The only component which can drive it even further is the error term. Error term is equally probable to go in either direction. What happens when the Rho becomes 1? No force can pull the X down in the next step.

Dickey Fuller Test of Stationarity

What you just learnt in the last section is formally known as Dickey Fuller test. Here is a small tweak which is made for our equation to convert it to a Dickey Fuller test:

X(t) = Rho * X(t-1) + Er(t) X(t) - X(t-1) = (Rho - 1) X(t - 1) + Er(t)

We have to test if Rho – 1 is significantly different than zero or not. If the null hypothesis gets rejected, we’ll get a stationary time series.

Stationary testing and converting a series into a stationary series are the most critical processes in a time series modelling. You need to memorize each and every detail of this concept to move on to the next step of time series modelling.

Let’s now consider an example to show you what a time series looks like.

### Introduction to ARMA Time Series Modeling

ARMA models are commonly used in time series modeling. In ARMA model, AR stands for auto-regression and MA stands for moving average. If these words sound intimidating to you, worry not – I’ll simplify these concepts in next few minutes for you!

We will now develop a knack for these terms and understand the characteristics associated with these models. But before we start, you should remember, AR or MA are not applicable on non-stationary series.

In case you get a non stationary series, you first need to stationarize the series (by taking difference / transformation) and then choose from the available time series models.

First, I’ll explain each of these two models (AR & MA) individually. Next, we will look at the characteristics of these models.

Auto-Regressive Time Series Model

Let’s understanding AR models using the case below:

The current GDP of a country say x(t) is dependent on the last year’s GDP i.e. x(t – 1). The hypothesis being that the total cost of production of products & services in a country in a fiscal year (known as GDP) is dependent on the set up of manufacturing plants / services in the previous year and the newly set up industries / plants / services in the current year. But the primary component of the GDP is the former one.

Hence, we can formally write the equation of GDP as:

x(t) = alpha * x(t – 1) + error (t)

This equation is known as AR(1) formulation. The numeral one (1) denotes that the next instance is solely dependent on the previous instance. The alpha is a coefficient which we seek so as to minimize the error function. Notice that x(t- 1) is indeed linked to x(t-2) in the same fashion. Hence, any shock to x(t) will gradually fade off in future.

For instance, let’s say x(t) is the number of juice bottles sold in a city on a particular day. During winters, very few vendors purchased juice bottles. Suddenly, on a particular day, the temperature rose and the demand of juice bottles soared to 1000. However, after a few days, the climate became cold again. But, knowing that the people got used to drinking juice during the hot days, there were 50% of the people still drinking juice during the cold days. In following days, the proportion went down to 25% (50% of 50%) and then gradually to a small number after significant number of days.

Moving Average Time Series Model

Let’s take another case to understand Moving average time series model.

A manufacturer produces a certain type of bag, which was readily available in the market. Being a competitive market, the sale of the bag stood at zero for many days. So, one day he did some experiment with the design and produced a different type of bag. This type of bag was not available anywhere in the market. Thus, he was able to sell the entire stock of 1000 bags (lets call this as x(t) ). The demand got so high that the bag ran out of stock. As a result, some 100 odd customers couldn’t purchase this bag. Lets call this gap as the error at that time point. With time, the bag had lost its woo factor. But still few customers were left who went empty handed the previous day. Following is a simple formulation to depict the scenario :

x(t) = beta * error(t-1) + error (t)

Difference between AR and MA models

The primary difference between an AR and MA model is based on the correlation between time series objects at different time points. The correlation between x(t) and x(t-n) for n > order of MA is always zero. This directly flows from the fact that covariance between x(t) and x(t-n) is zero for MA models (something which we refer from the example taken in the previous section). However, the correlation of x(t) and x(t-n) gradually declines with n becoming larger in the AR model. This difference gets exploited irrespective of having the AR model or MA model. The correlation plot can give us the order of MA model.

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