
Quantum Circuit


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[2021.01] blueqat inc. 's technical and business assets.

Yuichiro Minato

2021/01/17 06:10

#quantum computer

Hello, our blueqat company are developing the software on quantum computer everyday. Recently with the trend on quantum computing and machine learning, our speed of development is fasten and among of asset of technical tools and business tools are increasing. To realize the overview of our technology and business here I write about our overview.

Story behind the business

Recently on a global carbon neutral trend, we have to reduce the consumption and pollution which is not need for individuals. Individual people should get support from a smart optimized system to partially optimize their lives for better future. With a quantum computer we believes that we can optimize and make better social society with calculations. For the machines we have to understand what quantum computer can do actually and what we can contribute with technology. Especially in the future with low consumption for calculation energy contribute to the society and we have to let this machine to learn our society and the behavior of physical phenomenon of the earth.

Quantum Computing Story

Until 2012 D-Wave started to provide a quantum annealing machine and now Google and IBM are working hardly on quantum gate model.

Quantum Annealing / Quantum Gate / Photonics SDK

In our blueqat inc. we've been developed a quantum annealing SDK as "wildqat" and quantum gate model SDK as "blueqat". In 2020 we integrated wildqat and blueqat under the consistent theory. And for the optical/photonics machines we need another theory and SDK called continuous variable programming, we developed photonqat and now we published it on github. We are the only company which is following all of the types of quantum computer from quantum annealing, gate model and photonics continuous variable machines.

Adopt Tensor Network structure as an intermediate representation

To let all the software assets usable on any quantum computer and make the quantum circuit much more efficiently on the limited resource of QC, we adopted Tensor Network for the intermediate representation. Tensor Network describes quantum circuit as an undirected graph based structure. With this undirected graph, we can optimize the quantum circuit with contraction and decomposition of operations. To use this IR we published blueqat julia in 2021. blueqat julia is written in Julia language recently featured over the world. Under this middleware we can connect any quantum computer or simulators. Using a python interface, we can also now new julia technology to connect the interface and actual machine efficiently.

Without install, update, free cloud system

All these SDKs and softwares can be used through cloud system and for the individual use, all these tools are free including the cloud system. For the professional use with sharing function among the group and secured cloud, paid plan is provided. With this cloud system we can seamlessly and continuously share the code and fasten the development speed of quantum computing code development over the world.

Flexible connection to the quantum computer

With IBMQ network, Amazon quantum computing partner, contract with D-Wave directly, contract with Honeywell and NVIDIA partner, we can use variable quantum computer and simulators. In near future we are going to provide a flexible and easy-to-use API with paid plan with cloud system.

SNS function and share your code over the world

On you can easily share and publish your code created on blueqat cloud. If you have interest on quantum computer you can easily create code through tutorials and share your code on without difficult operations. Now our system broadly spread over the world.

Not only the tools, we provide how to use it as an application

Most of people thinks that the business on quantum computer is years away and it is too early to use the quantum computer. And actually it is very difficult to understand what we can do with existing system. blueqat inc. is now provide the vision on quantum computer application on actulal machine and proof we can moneyize in 2021. Especially the marketing system on D-wave/IonQ machine and search engine with quantum computer is now under development and some actual usecase is out now. You can find what to do with quantum computer right now.

Enpower the use of machine learing

To use the quantum computer among our social society, the machine learning is necessary. Machine learning and Artificial Intelligence technology can solve many problems instead of human beings. Image recognition or Natural Language Processing are a very difficult topics and subjects on quantum computer, but we are strongly going to this way to adopt ML in our living society. Data can be connected to the quantum computer with calculations.

Tensor Network on machine learning and quantum deep learning

Using machine learning and QCBM model and tensor network, we can provide better and strong expression of the model. Using the quantum gate, we can make MPS/TTN structure and can do trial many efficient quantum computing.
As a summary the software stack is,

  1. quantum gate, quantum annealing is developed on blueqat SDK

  2. To make the quantum circuit efficiently and smart we can use blueqat julia middleware

  3. For the backend actual quantum computer and simulators through APIs

  4. Interface for photonics continuous variable programming SDK photonqat

  5. Without install,update blueqat cloud can be used on both python and julia lang.

  6. For the individual and light use for commercial company we provide free blueqat cloud.

  7. For the heavy use and group sharing funciton and high security we provide paid plan blueqat cloud.

  8. For the actual use and applications we put priority on Machine Learning and AI.

  9. For the machine learning model on the quantum cirucit we adopted Tensor Network MPS/TTN structure.

  10. Easily to share code and tutorials on blueqat cloud through sns function.

  11. Production version of quantum computer application as marketing system with quantum machine learning.

  12. With the new search engine based on quantum computer, we can show a new value of quantum computer.

We developed a very attractive software stacks and these are connected very smartly each other.
We continue providing new value on quantum computer.

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