1. Quantum generative adversarial network for generating discrete data
Haozhen Situ, Zhimin He, Lvzhou Li, Shenggen Zheng
(Submitted on 3 Jul 2018 (v1), last revised 11 Dec 2018 (this version, v4))
Generative adversarial network (GAN) is an effective machine learning framework to train unsupervised generative models, and has drawn lots of attention in recent years. In the GAN framework, the generator is trained by an adversarial discriminator, in order to generate new samples that follows the probability distribution of a given training dataset. Classical GANs cannot generate discrete data due to the requirement of differentiability on the design of generators. In this paper, we propose a quantum version of GAN for generation of discrete data, which complements classical GANs. Our quantum GAN is composed of a parameterized quantum circuit as the generator and a classical feedforward neural network as the discriminator. Two families of quantum circuits, both composed of simple one-qubit rotation and two-qubit controlled-phase gates, are considered.
The analytic gradient of the quantum generator can be estimated by sampling the same quantum generator, so gradient-based methods can be used in the training. The results of a small-scale proof-of-principle numerical simulation demonstrates the effectiveness of our scheme.
2. Quantum generative adversarial learning
Seth Lloyd, Christian Weedbrook
(Submitted on 24 Apr 2018)
Generative adversarial networks (GANs) represent a powerful tool for classical machine learning: a generator tries to create statistics for data that mimics those of a true data set, while a discriminator tries to discriminate between the true and fake data. The learning process for generator and discriminator can be thought of as an adversarial game, and under reasonable assumptions, the game converges to the point where the generator generates the same statistics as the true data and the discriminator is unable to discriminate between the true and the generated data. This paper introduces the notion of quantum generative adversarial networks (QuGANs), where the data consists either of quantum states, or of classical data, and the generator and discriminator are equipped with quantum information processors. We show that the unique fixed point of the quantum adversarial game also occurs when the generator produces the same statistics as the data. Since quantum systems are intrinsically probabilistic the proof of the quantum case is different from - and simpler than - the classical case. We show that when the data consists of samples of measurements made on high-dimensional spaces, quantum adversarial networks may exhibit an exponential advantage over classical adversarial networks.
3. Quantum generative adversarial networks
Pierre-Luc Dallaire-Demers, Nathan Killoran
(Submitted on 23 Apr 2018 (v1), last revised 30 Apr 2018 (this version, v2))
Quantum machine learning is expected to be one of the first potential general-purpose applications of near-term quantum devices. A major recent breakthrough in classical machine learning is the notion of generative adversarial training, where the gradients of a discriminator model are used to train a separate generative model. In this work and a companion paper, we extend adversarial training to the quantum domain and show how to construct generative adversarial networks using quantum circuits. Furthermore, we also show how to compute gradients -- a key element in generative adversarial network training -- using another quantum circuit. We give an example of a simple practical circuit ansatz to parametrize quantum machine learning models and perform a simple numerical experiment to demonstrate that quantum generative adversarial networks can be trained successfully.
4. Variational quantum generators: Generative adversarial quantum machine learning for continuous distributions
Jonathan Romero, Alan Aspuru-Guzik
(Submitted on 3 Jan 2019)
We propose a hybrid quantum-classical approach to model continuous classical probability distributions using a variational quantum circuit. The architecture of the variational circuit consists of two parts: a quantum circuit employed to encode a classical random variable into a quantum state, called the quantum encoder, and a variational circuit whose parameters are optimized to mimic a target probability distribution. Samples are generated by measuring the expectation values of a set of operators chosen at the beginning of the calculation. Our quantum generator can be complemented with a classical function, such as a neural network, as part of the classical post-processing. We demonstrate the application of the quantum variational generator using a generative adversarial learning approach, where the quantum generator is trained via its interaction with a discriminator model that compares the generated samples with those coming from the real data distribution. We show that our quantum generator is able to learn target probability distributions using either a classical neural network or a variational quantum circuit as the discriminator. Our implementation takes advantage of automatic differentiation tools to perform the optimization of the variational circuits employed.
The framework presented here for the design and implementation of variational quantum generators can serve as a blueprint for designing hybrid quantum-classical architectures for other machine learning tasks on near-term quantum devices.
5. Learning and Inference on Generative Adversarial Quantum Circuits
Jinfeng Zeng, Yufeng Wu, Jin-Guo Liu, Lei Wang, Jiangping Hu
(Submitted on 10 Aug 2018)
Quantum mechanics is inherently probabilistic in light of Born's rule. Using quantum circuits as probabilistic generative models for classical data exploits their superior expressibility and efficient direct sampling ability. However, training of quantum circuits can be more challenging compared to classical neural networks due to lack of efficient differentiable learning algorithm. We devise an adversarial quantum-classical hybrid training scheme via coupling a quantum circuit generator and a classical neural network discriminator together. After training, the quantum circuit generative model can infer missing data with quadratic speed up via amplitude amplification. We numerically simulate the learning and inference of generative adversarial quantum circuit using the prototypical Bars-and-Stripes dataset. Generative adversarial quantum circuits is a fresh approach to machine learning which may enjoy the practically useful quantum advantage on near-term quantum devices.