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Yuichiro Minato

2022/11/06 09:45




import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import networkx as nx from braket.ahs.atom_arrangement import SiteType from braket.timings.time_series import TimeSeries from braket.ahs.driving_field import DrivingField from braket.ahs.shifting_field import ShiftingField from braket.ahs.field import Field from braket.ahs.pattern import Pattern from collections import Counter from typing import Dict, List, Tuple from braket.tasks.analog_hamiltonian_simulation_quantum_task_result import AnalogHamiltonianSimulationQuantumTaskResult from braket.ahs.atom_arrangement import AtomArrangement def show_register( register: AtomArrangement, blockade_radius: float=0.0, what_to_draw: str="bond", show_atom_index:bool=True ): """Plot the given register Args: register (AtomArrangement): A given register blockade_radius (float): The blockade radius for the register. Default is 0 what_to_draw (str): Either "bond" or "circle" to indicate the blockade region. Default is "bond" show_atom_index (bool): Whether showing the indices of the atoms. Default is True """ filled_sites = [site.coordinate for site in register if site.site_type == SiteType.FILLED] empty_sites = [site.coordinate for site in register if site.site_type == SiteType.VACANT] fig = plt.figure(figsize=(7, 7)) if filled_sites: plt.plot(np.array(filled_sites)[:, 0], np.array(filled_sites)[:, 1], 'r.', ms=15, label='filled') if empty_sites: plt.plot(np.array(empty_sites)[:, 0], np.array(empty_sites)[:, 1], 'k.', ms=5, label='empty') plt.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1.1, 1.05)) if show_atom_index: for idx, site in enumerate(register): plt.text(*site.coordinate, f" {idx}", fontsize=12) if blockade_radius > 0 and what_to_draw=="bond": for i in range(len(filled_sites)): for j in range(i+1, len(filled_sites)): dist = np.linalg.norm(np.array(filled_sites[i]) - np.array(filled_sites[j])) if dist <= blockade_radius: plt.plot([filled_sites[i][0], filled_sites[j][0]], [filled_sites[i][1], filled_sites[j][1]], 'b') if blockade_radius > 0 and what_to_draw=="circle": for site in filled_sites: plt.gca().add_patch( plt.Circle((site[0],site[1]), blockade_radius/2, color="b", alpha=0.3) ) plt.gca().set_aspect(1) def rabi_pulse( rabi_pulse_area: float, omega_max: float, omega_slew_rate_max: float ) -> Tuple[List[float], List[float]]: """Get a time series for Rabi frequency with specified Rabi phase, maximum amplitude and maximum slew rate Args: rabi_pulse_area (float): Total area under the Rabi frequency time series omega_max (float): The maximum amplitude omega_slew_rate_max (float): The maximum slew rate Returns: Tuple[List[float], List[float]]: A tuple containing the time points and values of the time series for the time dependent Rabi frequency Notes: By Rabi phase, it means the integral of the amplitude of a time-dependent Rabi frequency, \int_0^T\Omega(t)dt, where T is the duration. """ phase_threshold = omega_max**2 / omega_slew_rate_max if rabi_pulse_area <= phase_threshold: t_ramp = np.sqrt(rabi_pulse_area / omega_slew_rate_max) t_plateau = 0 else: t_ramp = omega_max / omega_slew_rate_max t_plateau = (rabi_pulse_area / omega_max) - t_ramp t_pules = 2 * t_ramp + t_plateau time_points = [0, t_ramp, t_ramp + t_plateau, t_pules] amplitude_values = [0, t_ramp * omega_slew_rate_max, t_ramp * omega_slew_rate_max, 0] return time_points, amplitude_values def get_counts(result: AnalogHamiltonianSimulationQuantumTaskResult) -> Dict[str, int]: """Aggregate state counts from AHS shot results Args: result (AnalogHamiltonianSimulationQuantumTaskResult): The result from which the aggregated state counts are obtained Returns: Dict[str, int]: number of times each state configuration is measured Notes: We use the following convention to denote the state of an atom (site): e: empty site r: Rydberg state atom g: ground state atom """ state_counts = Counter() states = ['e', 'r', 'g'] for shot in result.measurements: pre = shot.pre_sequence post = shot.post_sequence state_idx = np.array(pre) * (1 + np.array(post)) state = "".join(map(lambda s_idx: states[s_idx], state_idx)) state_counts.update((state,)) return dict(state_counts) def get_drive( times: List[float], amplitude_values: List[float], detuning_values: List[float], phase_values: List[float] ) -> DrivingField: """Get the driving field from a set of time points and values of the fields Args: times (List[float]): The time points of the driving field amplitude_values (List[float]): The values of the amplitude detuning_values (List[float]): The values of the detuning phase_values (List[float]): The values of the phase Returns: DrivingField: The driving field obtained """ assert len(times) == len(amplitude_values) assert len(times) == len(detuning_values) assert len(times) == len(phase_values) amplitude = TimeSeries() detuning = TimeSeries() phase = TimeSeries() for t, amplitude_value, detuning_value, phase_value in zip(times, amplitude_values, detuning_values, phase_values): amplitude.put(t, amplitude_value) detuning.put(t, detuning_value) phase.put(t, phase_value) drive = DrivingField( amplitude=amplitude, detuning=detuning, phase=phase ) return drive def get_shift(times: List[float], values: List[float], pattern: List[float]) -> ShiftingField: """Get the shifting field from a set of time points, values and pattern Args: times (List[float]): The time points of the shifting field values (List[float]): The values of the shifting field pattern (List[float]): The pattern of the shifting field Returns: ShiftingField: The shifting field obtained """ assert len(times) == len(values) magnitude = TimeSeries() for t, v in zip(times, values): magnitude.put(t, v) shift = ShiftingField(Field(magnitude, Pattern(pattern))) return shift def show_global_drive(drive, axes=None, **plot_ops): """Plot the driving field Args: drive (DrivingField): The driving field to be plot axes: matplotlib axis to draw on **plot_ops: options passed to matplitlib.pyplot.plot """ data = { 'amplitude [rad/s]': drive.amplitude.time_series, 'detuning [rad/s]': drive.detuning.time_series, 'phase [rad]': drive.phase.time_series, } if axes is None: fig, axes = plt.subplots(3, 1, figsize=(7, 7), sharex=True) for ax, data_name in zip(axes, data.keys()): if data_name == 'phase [rad]': ax.step(data[data_name].times(), data[data_name].values(), '.-', where='post',**plot_ops) else: ax.plot(data[data_name].times(), data[data_name].values(), '.-',**plot_ops) ax.set_ylabel(data_name) ax.grid(ls=':') axes[-1].set_xlabel('time [s]') plt.tight_layout() def show_local_shift(shift:ShiftingField): """Plot the shifting field Args: shift (ShiftingField): The shifting field to be plot """ data = shift.magnitude.time_series pattern = shift.magnitude.pattern.series plt.plot(data.times(), data.values(), '.-', label="pattern: " + str(pattern)) plt.xlabel('time [s]') plt.ylabel('shift [rad/s]') plt.legend() plt.tight_layout() def show_drive_and_shift(drive: DrivingField, shift: ShiftingField): """Plot the driving and shifting fields Args: drive (DrivingField): The driving field to be plot shift (ShiftingField): The shifting field to be plot """ drive_data = { 'amplitude [rad/s]': drive.amplitude.time_series, 'detuning [rad/s]': drive.detuning.time_series, 'phase [rad]': drive.phase.time_series, } fig, axes = plt.subplots(4, 1, figsize=(7, 7), sharex=True) for ax, data_name in zip(axes, drive_data.keys()): if data_name == 'phase [rad]': ax.step(drive_data[data_name].times(), drive_data[data_name].values(), '.-', where='post') else: ax.plot(drive_data[data_name].times(), drive_data[data_name].values(), '.-') ax.set_ylabel(data_name) ax.grid(ls=':') shift_data = shift.magnitude.time_series pattern = shift.magnitude.pattern.series axes[-1].plot(shift_data.times(), shift_data.values(), '.-', label="pattern: " + str(pattern)) axes[-1].set_ylabel('shift [rad/s]') axes[-1].set_xlabel('time [s]') axes[-1].legend() axes[-1].grid() plt.tight_layout() def get_avg_density(result: AnalogHamiltonianSimulationQuantumTaskResult) -> np.ndarray: """Get the average Rydberg densities from the result Args: result (AnalogHamiltonianSimulationQuantumTaskResult): The result from which the aggregated state counts are obtained Returns: ndarray: The average densities from the result """ measurements = result.measurements postSeqs = [measurement.post_sequence for measurement in measurements] postSeqs = 1 - np.array(postSeqs) # change the notation such 1 for rydberg state, and 0 for ground state avg_density = np.sum(postSeqs, axis=0)/len(postSeqs) return avg_density def show_final_avg_density(result: AnalogHamiltonianSimulationQuantumTaskResult): """Showing a bar plot for the average Rydberg densities from the result Args: result (AnalogHamiltonianSimulationQuantumTaskResult): The result from which the aggregated state counts are obtained """ avg_density = get_avg_density(result), avg_density) plt.xlabel("Indices of atoms") plt.ylabel("Average Rydberg density") def constant_time_series(other_time_series: TimeSeries, constant: float=0.0) -> TimeSeries: """Obtain a constant time series with the same time points as the given time series Args: other_time_series (TimeSeries): The given time series Returns: TimeSeries: A constant time series with the same time points as the given time series """ ts = TimeSeries() for t in other_time_series.times(): ts.put(t, constant) return ts def concatenate_time_series(time_series_1: TimeSeries, time_series_2: TimeSeries) -> TimeSeries: """Concatenate two time series to a single time series Args: time_series_1 (TimeSeries): The first time series to be concatenated time_series_2 (TimeSeries): The second time series to be concatenated Returns: TimeSeries: The concatenated time series """ assert time_series_1.values()[-1] == time_series_2.values()[0] duration_1 = time_series_1.times()[-1] - time_series_1.times()[0] new_time_series = TimeSeries() new_times = time_series_1.times() + [t + duration_1 - time_series_2.times()[0] for t in time_series_2.times()[1:]] new_values = time_series_1.values() + time_series_2.values()[1:] for t, v in zip(new_times, new_values): new_time_series.put(t, v) return new_time_series def concatenate_drives(drive_1: DrivingField, drive_2: DrivingField) -> DrivingField: """Concatenate two driving fields to a single driving field Args: drive_1 (DrivingField): The first driving field to be concatenated drive_2 (DrivingField): The second driving field to be concatenated Returns: DrivingField: The concatenated driving field """ return DrivingField( amplitude=concatenate_time_series(drive_1.amplitude.time_series, drive_2.amplitude.time_series), detuning=concatenate_time_series(drive_1.detuning.time_series, drive_2.detuning.time_series), phase=concatenate_time_series(drive_1.phase.time_series, drive_2.phase.time_series) ) def concatenate_shifts(shift_1: ShiftingField, shift_2: ShiftingField) -> ShiftingField: """Concatenate two driving fields to a single driving field Args: shift_1 (ShiftingField): The first shifting field to be concatenated shift_2 (ShiftingField): The second shifting field to be concatenated Returns: ShiftingField: The concatenated shifting field """ assert shift_1.magnitude.pattern.series == shift_2.magnitude.pattern.series new_magnitude = concatenate_time_series(shift_1.magnitude.time_series, shift_2.magnitude.time_series) return ShiftingField(Field(new_magnitude, shift_1.magnitude.pattern)) def concatenate_drive_list(drive_list: List[DrivingField]) -> DrivingField: """Concatenate a list of driving fields to a single driving field Args: drive_list (List[DrivingField]): The list of driving fields to be concatenated Returns: DrivingField: The concatenated driving field """ drive = drive_list[0] for dr in drive_list[1:]: drive = concatenate_drives(drive, dr) return drive def concatenate_shift_list(shift_list: List[ShiftingField]) -> ShiftingField: """Concatenate a list of shifting fields to a single driving field Args: shift_list (List[ShiftingField]): The list of shifting fields to be concatenated Returns: ShiftingField: The concatenated shifting field """ shift = shift_list[0] for sf in shift_list[1:]: shift = concatenate_shifts(shift, sf) return shift def plot_avg_density_2D(densities, register, with_labels = True, batch_index = None, batch_mapping = None, custom_axes = None): # get atom coordinates atom_coords = list(zip(register.coordinate_list(0), register.coordinate_list(1))) # convert all to micrometers atom_coords = [(atom_coord[0] * 10**6, atom_coord[1] * 10**6) for atom_coord in atom_coords] plot_avg_of_avgs = False plot_single_batch = False if batch_index is not None: if batch_mapping is not None: plot_single_batch = True # provided both batch and batch_mapping, show averages of single batch batch_subindices = batch_mapping[batch_index] batch_labels = {i:label for i,label in enumerate(batch_subindices)} # get proper positions pos = {i:tuple(coord) for i,coord in enumerate(list(np.array(atom_coords)[batch_subindices]))} # narrow down densities densities = np.array(densities)[batch_subindices] else: raise Exception("batch_mapping required to index into") else: if batch_mapping is not None: plot_avg_of_avgs = True # just need the coordinates for first batch_mapping subcoordinates = np.array(atom_coords)[batch_mapping[(0,0)]] pos = {i:coord for i,coord in enumerate(subcoordinates)} else: # If both not provided do standard FOV # handle 1D case pos = {i:coord for i,coord in enumerate(atom_coords)} # get colors vmin = 0 vmax = 1 cmap = # construct graph g = nx.Graph() g.add_nodes_from(list(range(len(densities)))) # construct plot if custom_axes is None: fig, ax = plt.subplots() else: ax = custom_axes nx.draw(g, pos, node_color=densities, cmap=cmap, node_shape="o", vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, font_size=9, with_labels=with_labels, labels= batch_labels if plot_single_batch else None, ax = custom_axes if custom_axes is not None else ax) ## Set axes ax.set_axis_on() ax.tick_params(left=True, bottom=True, top=True, right=True, labelleft=True, labelbottom=True, # labeltop=True, # labelright=True, direction="in") ## Set colorbar sm =, norm=plt.Normalize(vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax)) sm.set_array([]) ax.ticklabel_format(style="sci", useOffset=False) # set titles on x and y axes plt.xlabel("x [μm]") plt.ylabel("y [μm]") if plot_avg_of_avgs: cbar_label = "Averaged Rydberg Density" else: cbar_label = "Rydberg Density" plt.colorbar(sm, ax=ax, label=cbar_label)



import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from braket.ahs.atom_arrangement import AtomArrangement from braket.ahs.analog_hamiltonian_simulation import AnalogHamiltonianSimulation from braket.devices import LocalSimulator


def show_register_moji( register: AtomArrangement, blockade_radius: float=0.0, what_to_draw: str="bond", show_atom_index:bool=True ): """Plot the given register Args: register (AtomArrangement): A given register blockade_radius (float): The blockade radius for the register. Default is 0 what_to_draw (str): Either "bond" or "circle" to indicate the blockade region. Default is "bond" show_atom_index (bool): Whether showing the indices of the atoms. Default is True """ filled_sites = [site.coordinate for site in register if site.site_type == SiteType.FILLED] empty_sites = [site.coordinate for site in register if site.site_type == SiteType.VACANT] fig = plt.figure(figsize=(7,7)) if filled_sites: plt.plot(np.array(filled_sites)[:, 0], np.array(filled_sites)[:, 1], 'r.', ms=30, label='filled') if empty_sites: plt.plot(np.array(empty_sites)[:, 0], np.array(empty_sites)[:, 1], 'k.', ms=5, label='empty') plt.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1.1, 1.05)) if show_atom_index: for idx, site in enumerate(register): plt.text(*site.coordinate, f" {idx}", fontsize=12) if blockade_radius > 0 and what_to_draw=="bond": for i in range(len(filled_sites)): for j in range(i+1, len(filled_sites)): dist = np.linalg.norm(np.array(filled_sites[i]) - np.array(filled_sites[j])) if dist <= blockade_radius: plt.plot([filled_sites[i][0], filled_sites[j][0]], [filled_sites[i][1], filled_sites[j][1]], 'b') if blockade_radius > 0 and what_to_draw=="circle": for site in filled_sites: plt.gca().add_patch( plt.Circle((site[0],site[1]), blockade_radius/2, color="b", alpha=0.3) ) plt.gca().set_aspect(1)


register1 = AtomArrangement() s = 6.7e-6 position = [] position.append((0,2)) position.append((0,3)) position.append((0,4)) position.append((0,5)) position.append((0,6)) position.append((1,1)) position.append((1,2)) position.append((1,3)) position.append((1,4)) position.append((1,5)) position.append((1,6)) position.append((1,7)) position.append((2,1)) position.append((2,2)) position.append((2,3)) position.append((2,4)) position.append((2,5)) position.append((2,6)) position.append((2,7)) position.append((2,8)) position.append((3,0)) position.append((3,1)) #position.append((3,2)) #position.append((3,3)) position.append((3,4)) position.append((3,5)) position.append((3,6)) position.append((3,7)) position.append((3,8)) position.append((3,9)) position.append((4,0)) #position.append((4,1)) #position.append((4,2)) position.append((4,3)) #position.append((4,4)) #position.append((4,5)) position.append((4,6)) position.append((4,7)) position.append((4,8)) position.append((4,9)) position.append((5,0)) #position.append((5,1)) position.append((5,2)) #position.append((5,3)) position.append((5,4)) position.append((5,5)) #position.append((5,6)) position.append((5,7)) position.append((5,8)) position.append((5,9)) position.append((5,10)) position.append((6,0)) #position.append((6,1)) position.append((6,2)) position.append((6,3)) #position.append((6,4)) #position.append((6,5)) position.append((6,6)) position.append((6,7)) position.append((6,8)) position.append((6,9)) position.append((6,10)) position.append((6,11)) position.append((7,0)) #position.append((7,1)) position.append((7,2)) position.append((7,3)) position.append((7,4)) position.append((7,5)) position.append((7,6)) position.append((7,7)) position.append((7,8)) position.append((7,9)) position.append((7,10)) position.append((7,11)) position.append((7,12)) position.append((7,13)) position.append((6+2,0)) #position.append((6+2,1)) position.append((6+2,2)) position.append((6+2,3)) #position.append((6+2,4)) #position.append((6+2,5)) position.append((6+2,6)) position.append((6+2,7)) position.append((6+2,8)) position.append((6+2,9)) position.append((6+2,10)) position.append((6+2,11)) position.append((5+4,0)) #position.append((5+4,1)) position.append((5+4,2)) #position.append((5+4,3)) position.append((5+4,4)) position.append((5+4,5)) #position.append((5+4,6)) position.append((5+4,7)) position.append((5+4,8)) position.append((5+4,9)) position.append((5+4,10)) position.append((4+6,0)) #position.append((4+6,1)) #position.append((4+6,2)) position.append((4+6,3)) #position.append((4+6,4)) #position.append((4+6,5)) position.append((4+6,6)) position.append((4+6,7)) position.append((4+6,8)) position.append((4+6,9)) position.append((3+8,0)) position.append((3+8,1)) #position.append((3+8,2)) #position.append((3+8,3)) position.append((3+8,4)) position.append((3+8,5)) position.append((3+8,6)) position.append((3+8,7)) position.append((3+8,8)) position.append((3+8,9)) position.append((2+10,1)) position.append((2+10,2)) position.append((2+10,3)) position.append((2+10,4)) position.append((2+10,5)) position.append((2+10,6)) position.append((2+10,7)) position.append((2+10,8)) position.append((1+12,1)) position.append((1+12,2)) position.append((1+12,3)) position.append((1+12,4)) position.append((1+12,5)) position.append((1+12,6)) position.append((1+12,7)) position.append((0+14,2)) position.append((0+14,3)) position.append((0+14,4)) position.append((0+14,5)) position.append((0+14,6)) for pos in position: register1.add((pos[0]*s,pos[1]*s)) show_register_moji(register1, show_atom_index=False)
<Figure size 504x504 with 1 Axes>output


register2 = AtomArrangement() s = 6.7e-6 position = [] position.append((0,1)) position.append((0,2)) position.append((0,3)) position.append((0,4)) position.append((1,4)) position.append((1,5)) position.append((2,1)) position.append((2,2)) position.append((2,3)) position.append((2,4)) position.append((2,5)) position.append((2,6)) position.append((2,8)) position.append((3,0)) position.append((3,2)) position.append((3,3)) position.append((3,4)) #position.append((3,5)) position.append((3,6)) position.append((3,7)) position.append((4,0)) position.append((4,2)) position.append((4,3)) position.append((4,4)) position.append((4,5)) position.append((4,6)) position.append((5,2)) position.append((5,3)) position.append((5,4)) position.append((5,5)) position.append((5,6)) position.append((4+2,0)) position.append((4+2,2)) position.append((4+2,3)) position.append((4+2,4)) position.append((4+2,5)) position.append((4+2,6)) position.append((3+4,0)) position.append((3+4,2)) position.append((3+4,3)) position.append((3+4,4)) #position.append((3+4,5)) position.append((3+4,6)) position.append((3+4,7)) position.append((2+6,1)) position.append((2+6,2)) position.append((2+6,3)) position.append((2+6,4)) position.append((2+6,5)) position.append((2+6,6)) position.append((2+6,8)) position.append((1+8,4)) position.append((1+8,5)) position.append((0+10,1)) position.append((0+10,2)) position.append((0+10,3)) position.append((0+10,4)) for pos in position: register2.add((pos[0]*s,pos[1]*s)) show_register_moji(register, show_atom_index=False) #show_register_moji(register2, show_atom_index=False, blockade_radius= 1.5*s)
<Figure size 504x504 with 1 Axes>output


time_points = [0, 2.5e-7, 2.75e-6, 3e-6] amplitude_min = 0 amplitude_max = 1.57e7 # rad / s detuning_min = -5.5e7 # rad / s detuning_max = 5.5e7 # rad / s amplitude_values = [amplitude_min, amplitude_max, amplitude_max, amplitude_min] # piecewise linear detuning_values = [detuning_min, detuning_min, detuning_max, detuning_max] # piecewise linear phase_values = [0, 0, 0, 0] # piecewise constant drive = get_drive(time_points, amplitude_values, detuning_values, phase_values) show_global_drive(drive);
<Figure size 504x504 with 3 Axes>output



ahs_program2 = AnalogHamiltonianSimulation( register=register2, hamiltonian=drive )
from import AwsDevice device = AwsDevice("arn:aws:braket:us-east-1::device/qpu/quera/Aquila")
task =, shots=100) metadata = task.metadata() task_arn = metadata['quantumTaskArn'] task_status = metadata['status'] print(f"ARN: {task_arn}") print(f"status: {task_status}")
ARN: arn:aws:braket:us-east-1:722034924650:quantum-task/10114035-bd83-42a4-821b-4a9441e2faa8

status: CREATED


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