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In-house Engineer Study Session Meal Provision Program / 社内エンジニア勉強会向け食事提供プログラム

Yuichiro Minato

2024/02/14 01:52

Gathering everyone in one place for work can be challenging. However, with Uber Eats, it's no problem at all. We have launched an internal program that allows you to enjoy meals at home and participate in company engineering events without the need to gather.

みんなで1カ所に集まって仕事するの大変ですよね。でもUber Eatsがあれば大丈夫。集まらなくても自宅で食事を楽しみながら、社内エンジニアリングのイベントに参加できると言う社内プログラムを開始しました。

Engineering involves spending a lot of time reading papers and modifying programs, making it a rather demanding job. When work gets busy, meals can often be neglected, and finding the time for convenience store runs or actual meal prep can be difficult. I believe many also spend their weekends and holidays studying, which means there's a significant burden both at work and in their private lives.


When we hold study sessions in-house, we spend about an hour discussing, reading papers, and having a lively online interaction. Until recently, there was a strong desire to gather everyone at our Shibuya headquarters for events, but we've realized that many people have various work commitments and dietary restrictions, making it difficult to convene. This led to the idea that, just as we gather to share a meal during external events, perhaps we could achieve something similar online, ensuring participation without the need to physically gather.

社内での勉強会をする際には、1時間位議論や論文を読んだり、みんなでオンラインでワイワイやります。 これまではみんなで渋谷の本社に集まってイベントをしたいというのが最近多かったですが、気づいたのが多くの人はいろいろな仕事やいろいろな食事の都合があり、なかなか集まるのが大変だと言うことです。対外的なイベントに際して人員確保する際に、みんなで集まって食事をすると言う事はありますかオンラインでも同じようなことができるんではないかと言うことを思いつきました。

As part of our initiative for in-house engineers, we've started an activity where participants joining study sessions from home can enjoy their favorite meals as part of the membership fee. It can be quite costly in terms of time and money to gather for a meal and then disband. Moreover, there's the issue of not being able to eat what you really want. For the first time, we tried this activity internally, allowing everyone to freely enjoy their preferred foods. When gathering in person, although we provide a variety of meal options, it often results in leftovers, which is wasteful.

社内のエンジニア向けの構成として、自宅での在宅ワークで勉強会に参加する際、会費として好きな食事を食べられると言うような活動を始めました。集まって食事をして解散と言う時間やお金も大変ですよね。しかも食べたいものも食べられないと言う課題があります。今回初めて社内でそうした活動をしてみたところ、みんなそれぞれ好き勝手 食べたいものを食べられます。みんなで集まった場合には、食事の種類も何種類かは用意するものの余ってしまったりもったいないですよね。

Eel, sushi, Western food, curry, steak. You can eat only what you like and then participate in study sessions from the comfort of your home. Moving forward, we plan to utilize this for external business lunch meetings as well, adopting the Uber Eats Business system, which allows for corporate-level management of orders placed according to each meeting's convenience.

鰻、お寿司、洋食、カレー、ステーキ。好きなものだけ食べられてそして自宅で在宅で勉強会をすることができる。今後はランチミーティングなど対外的な営業にも活用し、会議それぞれの都合で頼んだものを企業として一括管理できるUber Eats Businessの仕組みを採用しました。

Those aspiring to be engineers, especially those aiming to utilize quantum computing or generative AI, should consider the possibility of such systems.

It seems to have been quite a hit internally. Living alone can lead to an unbalanced diet, so it would be great to encourage eating nutritious foods like eel to boost energy.



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