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Quantum computing is at the level of elementary, middle, and high school students. From college onwards, it's about gaining practical experience / 今の量子コンピュータ計算の基礎は小中高校生レベル。大学以降は実践を積もう。

Yuichiro Minato

2024/02/19 03:19

Hello. This is an announcement for those who want to study quantum computing. Currently, we are teaching quantum computing to high school students, but let's finish the basics of quantum annealing and quantum gates during elementary, middle, and high school.


The environment surrounding education is highly developed nowadays, and the basics of quantum computing can be completed even in elementary school. More advanced technologies are acquired in high school and university, serving as a platform for internships and practical experiences that determine whether students will head towards research or enter the corporate world.

現在教育を取り巻く環境は非常に発展しており、量子コンピューターの基礎は小学生の時でも終えることができます。 高校生や大学などより発展的な技術を身に付けて、研究に向かうのか、それとも企業に向かうのかを決めるようなインターンや実践の場として活用されています。

Of course, studying in university is still very important, but I believe there is a tendency among middle and high school students to advance their learning to cover university-level mathematics. In fact, this research has reached university-level content, yet it is accessible enough for high school students to grasp. There is an increasing number of people who actively use resources like YouTube to enhance their learning and academic abilities.

もちろん大学でも学習する事は充分大事ですが、最近の 中学生や高校生の中では、大学の数学を先取りするような気もあると思います。実際、その研究は、大学生レベルの内容となっていますが、十分高校生でも取得できるような内容かと思います。YouTubeなどを活用して積極的に学び学力を伸ばしている人が増えています。

I believe many people are torn between pursuing research or heading into the corporate world in fields like machine learning and quantum computing. We belong to a general company, and from the corporate perspective, the most important factor is salary. Recently, the salary range in areas like machine learning has become very high, to the point where some people retire after just a few years of work. Furthermore, with the emergence of technologies like ChatGPT, earning through general programming skills has become more challenging, while development in AI-related fields is rapidly growing.

機械学習や量子コンピューティングに置いて研究に向かうのか、企業に向かうのか悩む人が結構多いと思います。私たちは一般的な企業に属しますので、企業側の事情として1番重要なのは給与となっています。 昨今の機械学習等は給与レンジが非常に高くなっており、数年仕事するだけで引退してしまう人もいると思います。 かつChatGPT等の登場により、プログラミング一般的なスキルで稼ぐのが難しくなってる一方、AI関連の開発は急激に伸びています。

In university, instead of part-time jobs, actively participating in internships at companies involved in AI development projects can significantly advantage job hunting for new graduates. I believe students who do not gain practical experience in university will find it quite challenging. Nowadays, internships can be fully conducted remotely, so please actively seek out such opportunities.


(Ref / 参考)

In the 2023 contest for high school students, research on prime factorization using quantum computers received the excellence award.


According to Shizuoka University, the contest saw about 40 presentations from high schools across the nation engaged in inquiry-based learning. As a result of the evaluation, 'Research on Prime Factorization Algorithms via Quantum Computers' was awarded the prize for excellence.


Shizuoka University hosted a High School Inquiry and Information Contest, with Hiroo Gakuen High School receiving the Excellence Award.(Japanese)


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